Stage avec Eshna Kutty le 13.06 à Paris


Vous en croyez pas vos yeux ? 🤩

Eshna Kutty sera en France pour une masterclass exceptionnelle organisée par Hoopera le jeudi 13 juin à Paris.

De 20h à 22h
Gymnase Paul Meurice – Salle de danse
28 rue Paul Meurice 75020 Paris

Tarifs : 30€ / 25€ (membres Hoopera)

Ce qui vous attend :

Hoop & House Footwork
A playful, groovy session designed to cover basic footwork and grooves from house dancing with beginner friendly (to advance) hoop tricks to help you move in the space with your hoop with more ease. It will be a trick combo workshop that you can pair to any genre of music, slow or fast.

About Eshna
Eshna Kutty is a Hoop Dancer, Teacher, Expressive Art Therapist, and the creative force behind Hoop Flo. She has conducted workshops globally, taught at numerous hoop conventions, and spearheaded Hoop Flo tours across India, helping to popularize this growing art form in her country. As a Nike catalyst, she has collaborated with several brands, enhancing her visibility and influence in the dance community. Her hoop style is a funky blend of dance genres including hip hop, house, and dancehall, influenced by martial arts like capoeira, ancient practices of yoga, and her genuine love for all kinds of music.

Les places sont limitées et ça va partir vite alors ne tardez pas à réserver 🤓

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